Almost no one in the U.S. meets the recommendation for 5 or more fruits and vegetable servings each day. Close to 80% eat too few fruits. Over 90% shun vegetables on a regular basis, especially men and younger adults. So why is it so important that we eat fruits and vegetables? As a group, fruits … Read More


An heirloom plant is usually defined as a fruit, flower or vegetable that was grown before World War II. Heirloom varieties are open-pollinated, which means seeds you collect from one year will produce plants with the same traits planting after planting, season after season, generation after generation. Some heirlooms date back 100 years or more. … Read More


We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. Kazoo Tortilla Chips are an upcycle food brand. The brand rescues and upcycles corn germ from the corn starch industry, using an ingredient that would normally be diverted to animal feed. … Read More


Weight loss surgery often results in long term weight loss whereas those who are successful on a low calorie diet often find it is very difficult to maintain their weight loss over time. Why surgery is more successful than dieting has been a mystery until now. In a recent study, researchers looked at the brain … Read More


We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. Good Stock Soups was launched in 2014 at an outdoor food festival, followed by home delivery, two New York City soup shops, and finally, in 2019, a frozen soup line packaged … Read More


HDL (high-density lipoprotein), the so-called good cholesterol, may protect your liver by blocking inflammatory signals from common gut bacteria. HDL is known for mopping up cholesterol in the body and delivering it to the liver for disposal. In a new study (Enterically derived high-density lipoprotein restrains liver injury through the portal vein | Science ( … Read More


We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. Congo Tropicals which delivers fresh tropical and exotic fruits and vegetables throughout the US also sources Arabica Ground Coffee from Costa Rica. The coffee comes in 8.8-ounce (250 gram) bags in … Read More


In order to help consumers understand protein choices the Dietary Guidelines for Americans provides protein equivalents to help in meal and snack planning. One ounce of meat is equal to: 1 egg, ¼ cup of beans, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 2 ounces of tofu, and a half ounce of mixed nuts. Protein is used … Read More


We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. The age-old myth that pickles and ice cream are craved by pregnant women is actually the basis for Preggo Pickle one of the brands from The Pickle Co. (Home – The … Read More


There are a number of health benefits that can be gained by drinking coffee, not the least of which is your morning pick-me-up. Researchers from Australia (High coffee consumption, brain volume and risk of dementia and stroke. – Abstract – Europe PMC) looked at the effects of coffee on the brain of over 17,700 adults, … Read More