We Are In a Fruit And Vegetable Consumption Crisis?

by Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, RD, CDN on March 10, 2022 · 0 comments

Almost no one in the U.S. meets the recommendation for 5 or more fruits and vegetable servings each day. Close to 80% eat too few fruits. Over 90% shun vegetables on a regular basis, especially men and younger adults.

So why is it so important that we eat fruits and vegetables? As a group, fruits and vegetables are nutritionally dense in vitamins and minerals and low in calories. They provide fiber that aids in bowel regularity and provides food for our body’s microbiome which supports our immune system. Eating whole fruits and vegetables requires chewing which slows down the act of eating, helping you feel satisfied after eating, making you feel fuller longer, and helping you resist cravings. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and obesity. 

Do you want to be healthy? Very few people would answer “no.” Do you want to be slimmer? Would you like to go to the doctor less often? Here is the simplest prescription for all. Eat fruits and vegetables. Start small. Eat just one serving each day for one week. Week two eat 2 servings. Week three, 3 servings. And, week 4, 4 servings. Remember repetition creates habits and habits create change

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