My Trainer Suggested A BCAA Supplement – Good Idea?

by Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, RD, CDN on March 31, 2016 · 0 comments

BCAA stands for branched-chain amino acids which include leucine, isoleucine and valine. Research suggests that BCAA may delay mental fatigue for endurance athletes but there is not enough evidence to suggest athletes should use a BCAA supplement.

Eating foods rich in BCAA may be smart for athletes but for reasons other than reducing fatigue. Leucine helps to trigger muscle synthesis. Leucine is found in whey, a protein in milk. Milk is known as an excellent muscle building food because it contains both whey and casein.

Whey is rapidly digested and absorbed, leading to a rapid rise in amino acids in the blood. Casein is digested and absorbed more slowly. This combination of fast and slow release amino acids in milk, offers a sustained source of protein to stimulate muscle production.

The protein profile is the same whether you choose to drink whole milk, reduced-fat or skim milk. 

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