There are those that can guzzle a double shot of espresso and fall asleep within the hour. For others, a single cup of regular coffee might keep them awake for half the night. Depending on your body chemistry, usual coffee habits, or even your genes, you may be a fast metabolizer of caffeine or a … Read More


We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. Seapoint Farms Mighty LIL’ Lentils are a crunchy plant-based snack that comes in 5-ounce recloseable packages. Lentils are small legumes (beans) with Canada and India the top producers in the world. … Read More


We all have the ability to taste sweet, salty, sour, and bitter flavors through receptors found on the tongue and in the mouth. Between 2000 and 2002 scientists found that humans could also taste umami and it became firmly established as out fifth taste. There is no English word synonymous with umami. The closest description … Read More


We enjoy trying new kitchen gadgets. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. Founded in 2015 in South Carolina Healthy Human Insulated Bottles have a core brand mission to inspire a healthy lifestyle and contribute to a healthier planet through eco-friendly products. Their Stein … Read More


It may seem overly simplistic, but happy people are healthier. Studies have shown that happier people have better cardiovascular health and immune system responses than their less happy counterparts. But in a more recent study researchers provided a 12-week positive psychological intervention to address three different sources of happiness for adults between the ages of … Read More


US consumers love strawberries, especially during the summer when they are in season. One cup of fresh strawberry halves has only 48 calories, more than your daily need for vitamin C, along with a number of other vitamins and minerals, fiber, and health-promoting anti-oxidants. In addition to being a healthy, sweet food, at the 2020 … Read More

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It’s mid-summer and the supermarkets and farmstands are bursting with seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables. Should you bring home strawberries, peaches and tomatoes? Aren’t they all on that annual list of fruits and vegetables with high pesticide residues? Toxicologists around the world agree that the mere presence of pesticide residues does not mean they pose … Read More


We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think.  PRO Rich Frozen Nutrition Tubes are a unique new product. The brand calls it ice cream with benefits. The five flavors of PRO Rich all contain extra protein, 26 vitamins and … Read More


A new study from Trinity College in Dublin suggests an association between vitamin D levels and mortality from COVID-19. Vitamin D is produced in the skin from UVB sunlight exposure and is transported to the liver and then the kidney where it is changed into an active hormone. This form of the vitamin increases calcium … Read More


We love to try new kitchen gadgets. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. Love the convenience of plastic food storage bags but feel guilty about these one-use helpers winding up in landfills? Smelly Proof makes a line of reusable, durable, heavy-duty plastic storage … Read More