Date Labels On Food – What Do They Mean?

by Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, RD, CDN on August 31, 2023 · 0 comments

Date labeling on food can be a source of food waste when people throw away otherwise wholesome food. Surveys have shown than fewer than 50% of shoppers understand date labeling and even fewer realize that these dates apply to food quality and not food safety. Most people do not realize that foods can be safely eaten past the due date on the label.

Based on the USDA, here are the definitions of date label terminology.

Best if Used By/Before tells you when a product will have its best flavor or quality. It is not intended to be a purchase by or safety date.

Sell-by is used by stores for inventory management. It tells them how long they should display the food for sale. It is not a date for food safety.

Use-by is the last date recommended for use of the product while it is still at peak quality and is provided by the food manufacturer. It does not imply food safely except when used on infant formula.

Freeze-by tells you when to freeze a product, if not used, to maintain peak quality. Again, this is not a safety date.

Understanding date labels can help you reduce food waste and save you food dollars.

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