Why You Should Start a Use-Up Day

by Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, RD, CDN on June 30, 2022 · 0 comments

A study One ‘Use-Up Day’ a week cuts food waste by a third | News | Unilever global company website sponsored by Unilever and conducted in Canada, suggested one day a week be designated as use-up-day. On that day the 1,000 families that were part of the study were given tips and meals suggestions to use up the perfectly good food in their refrigerators that would otherwise be thrown away. Families who took part in the study reduced their food waste by one-third.

Food waste is not currently a part of the public’s consciousness, the same way that recycling or emissions are becoming part of our everyday efforts. Nearly one-third of all food produced is wasted and wasted food rotting in landfills produces methane (greenhouse gas).

Most people do not set out to waste food. It is the byproduct of everyday actions from lack of meal planning, impulse buying, improper storage, lack of preparation skills, and simply cooking too much food. We need to be more mindful of the foods we buy. Consider shopping for meals not just ingredients. Make a shopping list. And, every 3 to 4 days, consider what is in the frig and make a use-up-day dinner which can be as simple as reheating leftovers for a dinner buffet to use up small amounts of uneaten food.

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