I grew up in a family where my Dad would not eat birthday cake after someone blew out the candles. Well researchers at Clemson University have proven Dad right. Blowing out candles on a birthday cake resulted in 1400% more bacteria on the icing as compared to a cake that was not blown on. Oral … Read More


 We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. TRU Chocolate created dark chocolate snacks that contain no added sugar, are gluten free, nonGMO, vegan and kosher (OU) with Fair Trade Certified Ingredients. TRU uses no fillers, waxes or preservatives and sweetens … Read More


Unlike other countries in the world where peanuts are mostly used to make oil or peanut meal, in the US we eat peanuts, more than 6 pounds per person per year. Peanut butter accounts for half of the peanuts we eat yearly and it is estimated that every kid eats close to 1,500 peanut butter … Read More


We enjoy looking at new cookbooks.  Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. Jackie Dikos, the author of Finish Line Fueling, is both a registered dietitian (RD) and a two-time Olympic Trails competitor in the marathon. She has the experience and professional training to … Read More


It is estimated that close to one-third of our meals are eaten away from home and for younger adults close to 45% of all the meals they eat are made by someone else. A recent study showed there is a link between meals eaten away from home and high blood pressure. Meals away from home … Read More


We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. We must admit when we first received Kitchen & Love Farro Quick Meals and Quinoa Quick Meals, we were a little skeptical. Each is packaged in a two-part 7.9-ounce cup with a detachable … Read More


When kids are presented with very large portions and expected to clean their plates it overrides the natural feeling of fullness. This can lead to overeating because the feeling of satisfaction from eating is ignored. Instead, children are programmed to feel stuffed after a meal rather than satisfied. Belonging to the Clean Plate Club is … Read More


We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. O’Tim Sweet is a monk fruit-based, zero calorie sweetener. Monk fruit also known as lo han guo, is a plant native to south East Asia. It was approved in 2009 by … Read More


In an effort to prevent costly and life-threatening chronic diseases public health messages change as we learn more about certain conditions. To lower the risk for heart disease and stroke the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiologists recently announced revised blood pressure categories. The purpose of these changes is to diagnose individuals … Read More


We love to try new foods. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think. Nothing says comfort food like a glass of milk and a serving of cookies. For those who need to avoid dairy and wheat products, finding suitable alternatives that taste good can … Read More