What Is Green, Fuzzy, and Provides More Vitamin C Than a Glass of Orange Juice?

by Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, RD, CDN on October 5, 2017 · 0 comments

The answer is kiwis, just one provides 100% of your daily need for vitamin C and you can eat the fiber-rich skin. This New Zealand specialty is available year-round because the growing season in California is opposite so the two major producers complement each other. Grown commercially in the US since the 1960s, kiwis were once considered a delicacy in the court of the great Khans in China.

Kiwis are ripe when the skin yields slightly to gentle pressure. One medium kiwi has 46 calories. Try adding fresh kiwi puree to a meat marinade as the fruit contains a natural enzyme that acts as a meat tenderizer.

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