We enjoy trying new kitchen gadgets. Some are great. Some don’t measure up and some become staples in our kitchen. See what you think.

When we first heard about these products we were skeptical, but they work.
Food Huggers and Bowl Huggers were designed by two women who were tired of discarding half a piece of fruit or vegetable. Food Huggers are silicone (BPA and phthalate free) discs that gently hug a piece of cut food to save it for future use. We tried them on lemons, avocados, tomatoes and pears. There was no browning and the food was fresh the next day. Avocado Huggers come in a set of two sizes and Food Huggers are a set of four from small to large enough for an orange. Food huggers can also be used to cap jars or containers without a lid.

Bowl Huggers work on the same principle. They create a snug seal on standard serving size bowls to keep food fresh. They are dishwasher and freezer safe, transparent, and provide a sturdy enough surface to stack bowls safely. Bowl Huggers also work on halves of melons or grapefruits.
Tagged as:
food storage,
fruits and vegetables