
You’re pregnant and you are determined to do everything you can to be sure your baby is growing and thriving. But, everywhere you turn people are giving you advice. It’s hard to know who to listen to, especially when it comes to food. Most foods are safe to eat and will provide important nutrients and … Read More


You are not going to become a mother in a few months – you already are one. The care and feeding of your infant began at the moment of conception. Though you were not aware of it, you began to “mother” your child at that instant. The two of you are an inseparable pair. How … Read More


Most of us would automatically say, “No!” But a growing number of women and their doctors feel that an occasional drink during pregnancy does no harm. A number of health professionals and pregnant women are advocating for choice and commonsense, promoting the idea that a small glass of wine for dinner is okay. In fact, … Read More


Flaxseed oil and pregnancy may not mix. For pregnant women eating flaxseed oil the rate of premature births is 12%. The normal rate is 2% to 3%. Women who eat flaxseeds don’t have an increased risk. … Read More


Moms who gained large amounts of weight in pregnancy are more likely to have children who are overweight later in life. Though this theory has been suspected for a long time, it has never been proven. A very large study tracking over 1 million babies and 500,000 pregnant women showed that women who gained 44 … Read More


How you take care of yourself during pregnancy directly affects your developing baby because the two of you are an inseparable pair. If you are considering a pregnancy or if you are pregnant, the best way to care for your unborn child is to take very good care of yourself. 1. Your baby’s growth is … Read More


Americans love caffeine—close to 90% of us consume it. As popular as it is, is caffeine actually safe? Not for everyone, including pregnant women. Pregnant women should avoid or at least cut back on caffeine, especially if they are heavy users. The March of Dimes and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend no … Read More