
Close to 90% of all kids 6 and older eat too much sodium each day and 1 in 9 children between the ages of 8 and 17 have blood pressures above the normal range for their age, sex and height. This increases their risk for high blood pressure as adults. The Institute of Medicine recommends … Read More


Many avoid pasta thinking it is going to pack on pounds. In a recent study from Italy and another from the US which together looked at over 20,000 adults, both studies showed that eating pasta was not a factor in weight gain. Pasta, made from cereal grains, has been around since ancient times and is central to … Read More


Instead of classifying foods as good-for-you and bad-for-you, parents would be wiser to categorize food by portion size. Eat smaller amounts of candy and ice cream. Offer a chocolate candy kiss instead of a chocolate bar. Serve a half-cup of ice cream instead of a soup bowlful. Buy 100-calorie packages of cookies instead of opening … Read More