
Did you know that People who keep track of what they eat are less likely to overeat and more likely to make healthy lifestyle changes? Write it down–food journals work! … Read More


Go easy mixing diet drinks and alcohol. Ordering an alcoholic drink with sugar-free syrup, sugar-free juice, or diet soda could make you tipsy faster. Sugar free add-ons make alcohol to leave your stomach quicker causing higher blood alcohol to rise more quickly. … Read More


Tiny temptations that add on calories. Dinner is over and you are putting away the leftovers. There are only a couple of spoonfuls of candied sweet potatoes left. Too little to save and you hate to throw out food, so you eat them. Three tablespoons of candied sweet potatoes = 75 calories. … Read More


Super sizing your meal may super size you. Large, value meals add extra calories, fat and sodium you don’t need. … Read More


Sixty and you play ice hockey. Seventy and you play competitive volleyball. Eighty and you’re on a basketball team. Ninety-five and you still compete in swimming events. These are just some of the state and national level master athletes in the U.S. today. This should come as no surprise. Baby boomers, the first of whom … Read More


When the government issues new guidelines about food and healthy eating, most Americans throw up their hands in dismay and walk away baffled by the suggestions. Many say the recommendations do not reflect their traditional, social, or cultural eating habits. For example, they may never drink milk. Even if the government recommends drinking more milk … Read More


The government, food industry, public health groups, and various health-related organizations are all trying to provide consumers with sound information on living a healthy lifestyle. Good news – most have heard the messages. Bad news – fewer are adapting the message into everyday living. Why? The average consumer finds putting dietary advice into practice confusing … Read More

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Being on a diet is a lot like running a marathon. Runners talk about hitting a wall—getting to spots in a race where they find it hard to go on. Dieters hit trouble spots, too. There are times when motivation is low, or a week or two goes by with little or no progress, despite … Read More

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You probably consume calories while you cook. If you taste, nibble and nosh while cooking, try chewing gum—it’s a simple trick to save thousands of calories a year. Getting enough sleep keeps you thin. Research has shown that your appetite increases markedly when you are sleep deprived. Sleep more, weigh less. Weekends can be hazardous … Read More

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Sound impossible? It’s not. Each morning you decide to eat or not. Cereal or toast? Toast with butter? Or butter and jelly? One slice or two? Coffee, tea or Coke? Milk or sugar? One spoonful or two? Fruit or juice? Large glass or small? Seconds? All of these are considered low involvement decisions – usually, … Read More