
Today the landscape has changed – almond, macadamia, cashew, coconut, hazelnut, hemp, rice, oat, banana, and the old standby soy milk. We even have a new acronym for this category – nondairy milk alternatives (NDMA). Why have you decided to buy a nondairy milk for your family? Many immediately would answer – because these alternative … Read More


Numerous health benefits have been attributed to coffee, not the least of which is its antioxidant value. In a study of over 104,490 adults, those who drank more than 6 cups of coffee each day had a 23% lower risk of developing gallstones compared to non-coffee drinkers. Drinking one extra cup of coffee a day … Read More



by Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, RD, CDN on January 23, 2020 · 0 comments

Name a drink that can make you more alert for late-night studying, prevent you from fainting when giving blood, and even promote a tiny weight loss. Chances are you didn’t say water. But that is the right answer. The American Red Cross found that drinking 16 ounces of water before a blood donation reduced the … Read More


There have been several conflicting studies saying different things about coffee and its effect on heart disease. A recent study, presented in June 2019, at the British Cardiovascular Society, showed that drinking up to 25 cups of coffee a day did not stiffen arteries. Arteries carry blood containing oxygen and other nutrients from your heart … Read More


Energy drinks are non-alcoholic beverages that contain caffeine plus other plant-based stimulants (like guarana), amino acids (like taurine), herbs (like ginkgo biloba) and vitamins. They were introduced in the US in 1997. Their caffeine content ranges from 50 to 500 milligrams a serving, compared to approximately 95 milligrams in an 8-ounce cup of coffee. The … Read More


In an effort to reduce the amount of soda and sugar, many people are switching to sparkling water or seltzer. The carbon dioxide pumped into the water to make it fizz can have a downside because it makes the drink more acidic. Water has a pH of 7, which is neutral on the pH scale … Read More


Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world, second only to water. All teas, but especially black tea have been linked to a decreased risk for heart disease. Tea contains EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) which decreases inflammation and narrowing of arteries and increases protective antioxidant activity. Tea is virtually calorie free and contains no sodium, fat … Read More


According to the National Coffee Association 64% of US adults drink coffee every day and 82% of them drink it in the morning. So, you are not alone in craving that morning cup. Is your coffee vice a healthy habit? Turns out it is. For once, something we love and enjoy is also good for … Read More


Approximately 40% of adults in the US drink alcohol at levels that can risk their health. Researchers collected information from over 34,000 people and defined “at-risk” use of alcohol as 14 or more drinks a week or more than 4 drinks on one occasion for men and 7 drinks a week or more than 3 … Read More


Because alcohol has a lower boiling point than water there is a presumption among home cooks and many culinary professionals that alcohol added to recipes cooks off when exposed to heat. The fact is, in many recipes, a lot of alcohol is left after cooking. The US Department of Agriculture Nutrient Data Laboratory calculated the … Read More

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